In SKINDERMA's history the milestones and events we have experienced have been fundamental to our growth and recognition in the market.

Every participation, every achievement and every significant moment reflects our commitment to offering innovative, high-quality products. These moments not only solidify our presence in the industry, but also connect us with professionals, partners and clients who share our vision.
Through these events and milestones, we celebrate our progress, learn from challenges, and strengthen our position as a trusted brand.
To be continued…

March 2023
Skinderma was born

Birth of SKINDERMA manufactured in our laboratory Marmelant SL Huesca-Spain

March 2023

Official international launch of SKINDERMA Medical Cosmetics in Bologna's COSMOPROF Exibithion

April 2023

Opening of SKINDERMA's international distribution warehouse in Oviedo-Spain

April 2023
MAGODERMA Medikal Kozmetik

First international exclusive distributionship agreement signed in Istanbul-Turkey with our first international partner MAGODERMA Medikal Kozmetik with the presence of our founders Francisco MagalhĂŁes and Miguel Ribeiro

May 2023
Distribution Channels

First 20 international distribution channels reached (23 countries exclusively as of May 31st, 2023)

June 2023
Distribution Channels

40 international distribution channels reached (41 countries exclusively as of May 30th, 2023)

August 2023

Official launch of SKINDERMA's website

September 2023
Official launch of the brand in Latin America

Official launch of the brand in Latin America, at the International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine in Santiago, Chile, by our partner SmartMedical Lab., with the participation of our partner Catalina Webb Guler and by our dermatologist and training manager in Latin America, Dr. Ulisses Arellano.

September 2023
Singapore's Global Holistic SPA Championship

SKINDERMA's Co-founder Miguel Ribeiro was selected the Special Judge of Singapore's Global Holistic SPA Championship 2023

October 2023
Aesthetic Training Congress in Bursa

First SKINDERMA Worldwide Aesthetic Training congress in Bursa, Turkey performed by Ana MagalhĂŁes

November 2023

attendance at SALĂ“N LOOK Madrid 2023 in Spain

November 2023
Cosmoprof Hong Kong

Attendance at 26th edition of the Asian COSMOPROF in Wan Chai, Hong Kong

November 2023
Belgrade Medical Aesthetic Congress (in Serbia)

Belgrade Medical Aesthetic Congress (in Serbia) - SKINDERMA Brand Presentation with the presence of the Co-founder Francisco MagalhĂŁes and our international training manager Ana MagalhĂŁes

December 2023
Admnistrative-financial headquartes in Oporto

Opening of SKINDERMA's Admnistrative-financial headquartes in Oporto-Portugal

December 2023
Distribution Channels

50 international distribution channels reached (55 countries exclusively as of December 31st, 2023)

January 2024
Worldwide Aesthetic Training congress in Minsk

Worldwide Aesthetic Training congress in Minsk, Belarus with the presence of the Co-founder Francisco MagalhĂŁes and our international training manager Ana MagalhĂŁes

February 2024
Officialy Launched EXOSOMES

SKINDERMA officialy launched EXOSOMES the revolutionary professional aesthetics (the one that combines bacterial and plant origin basis)

March 2024
Dubai Derma

Attendance at 22nd edition of DUBAI DERMA the Leading Dermatology & Laser Event in Middle East at Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emirates)

March 2024
Cosmoprof Bologna

Attendance at 54th edition of the European COSMOPROF in Bologna, Italy

April 2024

Attendance at Oporto's EXPOCOSMÉTICA 2023 in Portugal

April 2024
Our Turkish partner Mr. Ahmet Gönder

Our Turkish partner Mr. Ahmet Gönder was recognised as the distributor of the year of the Aesthetic field in Turkey by the prestigious magazine "InStyle"

April 2024
First Session in Oporto's

First Session in Oporto's SKINDERMA Training Academy with our Serbian partners FASHION ROOM Co

May 2024
International Presentation at the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Medical Congresses

International presentation at the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Medical Congresses (in Vietnam), for a total of more than 400 doctors and 2000 professionals in the field of medical aesthetics in partnership with DONG NAM INTERNATIONAL.

May 2024
International Recognition

International recognition as an innovative brand with the most potential by the renowned magazine ESTHETIC Design dedicated to the latest news and highlights of professional aesthetic medicine in the Balkans.

June 2024
Aesthetic Medicine Convention of Johannesburg

Attendance at the Aesthetic Medicine Convention of Johannesburg (Gallagher Business Centre) in South Africa

July 2024
Distribution Channels

60 international distribution channels reached (67 countries exclusively as of July 31st, 2024)

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